Robert, April, Jedidiah, Penelope, Jericho and Olive Knight
April is the Dreamer, Robert is the Do-er and our kiddos are the distractors… for now at least! It is our JOY to craft and produce creative bible study tools for you. Thank you to everyone who invests in this ministry and purchases our resources. Every purchase you make blesses our family and advances the ministry of Scripturedoodle.
Scripturedoodle began as a simple bible study practice to help me keep my creativity focused on God. The idea was this: read a bible verse and draw a picture of what it looked like. Over the years we’ve seen this ministry grow into something, not just for me but for anyone in the family of God. We’ve traveled the world to share it with others, we’ve created resources and written books, and seen God do more than we could ask or imagine… but no matter the season or opportunity the HEART has stayed the same: to help you encounter God through creativity in worship. When we create space for God to move in our hearts it sets the stage for Him to speak directly to us whatever it is our hearts need to hear. My greatest prayer through this ministry is not that it would be shiny and great but that it would facilitate genuine encounters with the presence of God.
I hope it blesses you and yours. And if it does, I’d love to hear about it.